
Studenterlauget is a non-profit student organisation at Aarhus University, School of Business and Social Sciences. With our more than 4,300 members, 300 student employees throughout the year and annual turnover of approximately 18 million DKK, we claim the title as the biggest student organisation in Denmark. We are for students by students and this saying permeates all of our undertakings.

Strategic Statements

1. For students – by students: Studenterlauget shall always be run by students and create both internal and external relations for the students at BSS. All members should at any given time be able to seek influence at the same terms. Studenterlauget will always work in the best interest of the students, hereby creating commitment towards the union.

 2. Creating value: Through a continuous dialogue with the students, Studenterlauget should uncover the needs of the students throughout their time at BSS – thereby creating value for the students in their everyday life.

 3. Engagement and professionalism: Our employees should be engaged and professional, as the members should be able to expect credibility and responsibility within and around Studenterlauget.

 4. Academic and social activities: We want to offer social and academic activities across study programs and between classes. Our social activities should provide and ensure a feeling of community and social affiliation, while our academic activities should prepare students for academic success and for success in business life.

 5. Activities of the highest quality: We should always provide thorough and complete activities of the highest possible quality. This should be ensured through service, experience and consistency in performance.

 6. Development and cooperation: Our organisation shall be dynamic and proactive. This should be accomplished through continuous development, a critical eye and always being open to input and feedback.

For even more information read about Our Future.

The board strategy for the year 2023/2024 can be found here.

The curious can read the full Regulations of Studenterlauget.

The Annual Report for 2023 can be found here.

Our whistleblower system can be found here.

Studenterlauget | Fuglesangs Allé 4 | DK – 8210 Aarhus V | CVR: 25265114