SL Nice Price

SL Nice Price is a discount offer for all members of Studenterlauget. The special discounts are only available for members of SL and are deals that our Business Relations department has been working on to get for you as a member! Our slogan is “for students by students” and SL Nice Prices are exactly that. It is a special discount system that we are providing for you – from us!

Meet our new SL Nice Price Partner

As a member of Studenterlauget you can gain access to a subscription to Børsen. The value of the subscription to Børsen is 6499,- dkk a year, but as a member of Studenterlauget the subscription is included in your membership.



As a member of Studenterlauget you can gain access to a subscription to Børsen. The value is 6499,- dkk a year.


As a member of Studenterlauget, you can use SL Nice Price to get a 20 % discount while renting a SOUNDBOKS 3.


 30 minutes of free transcription, and a 40% discount on all purchases made within Mellonn Speak

Ringgardens Cykler

As a member of SL, Ringgaardens Cykler offers you a 12% discount on all products and repairs!


DGI Huset Aarhus

All SL members get an exclusive study deal at DGI Huset Aarhus. Free gym classes and fitness at 229 kr. pr. month.


All SL members get an exclusive study benefits at Pakhus77 such as early booking and better prices.

Skejby Fodboldgolf

Skejby Fodboldgolf offers all members of SL All-Day passes to their 3 courses, for only 100 kr. pr.person.

RaskRask Massage offers -15% discount for on-demand massage therapy in Aarhus.


A Hereford Beefstouw

Every Thursday A Hereford Beefstouw offers burgers and beers to SL members for ONLY 150 DKK!


Slap Af offers a nice 3-course menu with great discount!

Con Maz

As a member of SL, Con Maz gives you a 10 % discount on all our products (both online at and in our store and bar).


As a member of SL and a member of PartyVikings UniClub, you get a fixed 10% discount on all items, exclusive access to SL discounts and invites to exclusive deals and events.

S.T. Valentin

By being member of SL, you get exclusive deals at S.T. Valentin. S.T. Valentins apparel, shoes, and accessories are cool, comfortable, casual & classy.


As a member of SL, Barber Shoppen offers you a 20% discount on your haircut.

By being member of SL, you get exclusive deals at Here you’ll find the most trendy and fashionable watches at affordable prices.


By being member of SL, you get exclusive deals at Avilé. Here you’ll find jewelery for every taste and for every occasion.


By being a member of SL, you get exclusive deals at Here you’ll find the most trendy and fashionable handmade eyewear!


Aarhus Teater

As an SL member, you can now buy tickets for only 90 DKK per ticket.


As a member of SL, you can join ARoS30 for only 170 DKK (normal price is 220 DKK).