The following is a short list of frequently asked questions. If your question is not answered here, you can send an e-mail to Masterintro@studenterlauget.dk and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


The following is a short list of frequently asked questions. If your question is not answered here, you can send an e-mail to Masterintro@studenterlauget.dk and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Do I have to sign up for The Master Introduction Days?

No, you do not have to sign up for the Master Introduction Days. You just have to show up and your Master Instructors will take care of you. You will receive an e-mail with more information on your respective Master Study Line’s start.

How do I find the location I am expected to show up?

If you do not know how to locate the buildings, you can just show up at Campus Fuglesangs Allé at Aarhus University, School of Business & Social Sciences, Thursday morning, where all the Master Instructors and helpers will guide you to the right location. You can download the App “AU Find” which can help you locate buildings at Aarhus University.

Do I have to participate in the entire programme?

We recommend that you participate in the entire Introduction programme to get the best start at your new study.  However, if you cannot participate in the entire introduction, we highly recommend that you still join the parts of the programme that you can attend.

Can you help me find accommodation?

Unfortunately, we cannot help you with finding accommodation in Aarhus. It is your own responsibility. However, we know from experience that all students who have come to Aarhus have found a place to stay at the beginning of the semester. You will find posters around campus regarding private accommodation offers. Throughout the Introduction Days, the team coordinators are happy to help you and offer you different advice and tips.